Presentation Awards
Best Oral Presentation Awards
During the conference, one Best Oral Presentation in EACH session will be selected based on the ranking of votes. At the end of each session, the winner will be announced and awarded.The awards consist of a certificate and free registration for the next CMSE conference.
Selection Criteria
• Research Quality
• Presentation Performance
• Presentation Language
• Interaction with Listeners
• PowerPoint Design
Selection Procedure
♦ An assessment sheet will be delivered to listeners before the session begins.
♦ When a session concluded, each listener is required to fill in the sheet (he/she can vote for two excellent presentations) and hand the sheet to the Session Chair.
♦ The Session Chair will count the votes and select one best oral presentation with more votes. If there is a tie, the Session Chair will make the final decision.
Best Poster Presentation Awards
Best Poster Presentation will be selected during the conference. The award consists of a certificate and free registration for the next CMSE Conference. Results will be announced on CMSE official website.Selection Criteria
- Research Quality
- Presentation Skill
- Design

- 10-15 judges will be invited by the Conference General Chair to evaluate the posters;
- 2 red stickers and 2 green stickers will be provided to the judges. The red sticker stands for "Research Quality" with a value of 2 points; the green sticker stands for "Presentation Skill and Design" with a value of 1 point;
- Each judge will give the stickers to the posters that he/she considers to be of high quality or well designed and with good presentation;
- The Chair / Conference secretary will count the points from each poster and select the best poster(s) with more points. If there is a tie, the one with more red (Research Quality) stickers wins; if there is still a tie, the Chair will make the final decision.